We are repeating our Opal and Goose pairing because they were such sweet pups with great temperaments. They were pretty cute too with straight to wavy fleece coats and beautiful faces. We expect to have apricots, caramels, and parti pups and they will weigh between 25 and 35 lbs. Opal’s due date is April 7th, and the puppies will go home around June 4th.
Opal had six sweet puppies on April 7th. They will go to their homes on June 4th.
This reservation list is closed temporarily until we have a count closer to delivery. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list for this litter, please contact me.
Opal is a sweet, sensitive soul. She is playful and loving and very intuitive. She makes friends in the human world and the doodle world very easily. She is a wonderful addition to our family.
Learn More About OpalGoose is a goofy, friendly, playful boy. He is beautiful and gets attention everywhere he goes! He lives in a guardian home in Illinois that love him to death! .
Learn More About GooseJubilee Opal is a sweet, sensitive soul. She is playful and loving and very intuitive. She makes friends in the human world and the doodle world very easily. She is a wonderful addition to our family. Her first litter will be in the fall of 2015
She a caramel and white parti girl and 18 inches tall. She will weigh 28 to 30 pounds at maturity making her a medium doodle. She has the very softest straight fleece coat and does she turn heads!
Goose is a goofy, friendly, playful boy. He is beautiful and gets attention everywhere he goes! He absolutely loves the snow and being outside. He is sweet with the smaller doggies that he lives with.
He doesn't have a mean bone in his body or even a crabby one! He is extremely loving and sensitive to his family. He is a large medium at 21 inches and 45 lbs. He has a beautiful, thick straight apricot coat.